
Recently my phone crashed and I lost all my contacts. I don't have any back up so I had to go through texts/ whatsapps and start saving the important numbers. I was a little too caught up with this and started re-reading old old messages from friends; some of them I rarely talk to or don't keep in touch with anymore. So much has changed through the years and never would I have imagined that things will turn out they way it is now haha.
Of course, I also read through all of our old conversations back when we were still in school. Remember the first 26th we spent having dinner together? Remember when you waited for me so we could waste time on the bus home? Remember that time when I squeezed into 151 and you couldn't get on? Those awkward moments and conversations we shared, they felt just like yesterday.
You used to nag so much about me not initiating conversations and I guess the complaining did seem to work haha. I'm so much more comfortable around you now as compared to 6 months (or 6 years) ago, even though we can still sometimes be totally awkward. Or rather I can be really bitchy and mean at times. I'm sure you know what I mean.
Things haven't been quite the same but I believe how I feel for you right now is just as much as I did half a year ago, or even more. Can't wait till you are back ehehe.



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