二人また会えるなら きっと幸せ

Lucky me found a Sket Dance Gashapon and of course I can't walk away without getting my hands on one of these ♥

I was hoping to get the Bossun one but Switch is pretty awesome too. To be honest, I wouldn't mind any one of them but I still think "Rare Bossun" is the cutest~

I'll be trying my luck again for Bossun but I guess I can't keep my hopes up. The main characters are always the hardest to get, yes?



Marron said...

ah! I love sket dance! bossun looks so funny and cute.
yea, i've noticed that getting the main characters are hard too... but the one u got is still awesome!!

Eleanor said...

Sket Dance is really awesome! It's a pity that the fanbase isn't big D:

Switch looks good but I would have preferred him holding on to his laptop! Haha :D

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