I visited We are the Furballs (WTF in short), probably the only dog cafe here but I could be wrong, with the bamboo over the weekends and I love this place!!! The dogs were not that friendly towards strangers but they love your food. There are 7 dogs in the cafe and my favorite is Mochi the Maltese because she never left me after camping on my lap hahaha. Such a sweetie.
Puppy eyes (almost literally)
Food bribery always works
Mochi the Maltese in a dinosaur costume
Here's a not so glamorous photo of me with my favourite dog
Looking less awkward in selfies hahaha
The dogs were all dressed up and it was almost like a costume party that day. I couldn't help but scream cute at the little dogs there. They are trained and will sit/ shake your hand for your treats. I would love to bring all of these qts home!!! Sometimes I wish I had my own pet, but it's a great responsibility and I guess I'm just not up to it. *cry*
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