Cosfest XII

Wig test for Cosfest!


With sweet as candy Cheryl!♥♥♥

With my sister!!! Thank you for helping out :D

And bitchy bamboo hahaha!

Thank you for the photo!

Bumped into Sharon and Sam!!


Thank you bamboo for making me look pretty in the following photos :D

Little Twin Star nails!


Thank you Evangeline for helping me with the these photos and the polaroids and my bag and listening to my bitchy crap and nonsensical comments and the list goes on!!!
Let's go shopping soon and maybe meet up with the other RM members LOL! :D


Me after the event looking very shag with curly curly hair LOL

I haven't been cosplaying for the longest longest time (Well, this isn't exactly a cosplay but ok) so I was pretty excited for Cosfest this year as I will be attending in a lolita dress!

However, I eventually realised that I don't fit the demure lolita style. It was so awkward for me to pose and I always end up shouting at my sister whenever I want to bitch about how uncomfortable my shoes are hahaha!
This is also the first time I've tried to put on false lashes since forever and thus the overly droopy eyes. I have no idea why I couldn't smile properly for photos either :(
But thankfully, I guess everything went alright!!

I met qt Jennifer during Cosfest but we only managed to take a polaroid together fml! Visit her blog for the photo!!

Thank you Cheryl (♥) for inviting me to join you this year for Cosfest!! She was sooooo cute in her pink dress! Also, thank you Cheryl's boyfriend for the photos of us! The both of you are too sweet together. Stop it ok!!!

*Happily strikes Lolita off to-do-list*

Thank you Evangeline for everything I've written above hahaha. You know I'm lazy so just scroll up if you missed it ok? :D

Thank you bitchy bamboo for the pretty pretty photos and sending me home after dinner because I'm scared hahaha fml. Here's your Best Bamboo of the Year Award!

P.S. It has been a week since the event and I have yet to unpack all of my stuff hahaha! Need to do something about that pile of stuff soon!


See I told you I just can't pull off the demure look hahaha!



Mikiメ(^∀^)ノ said...

HAHA you blog very fast!!!o(〃^▽^〃)o Your bf take your self shots until very pretty*o* Meet up for next event/photoshoot soon!! ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Lolita success!! ^^V

Eleanor said...

Hahaha, no la I wanted to post for very long alr but laaaazy! Your photos prettier!!! <3

Yup, success! Meet up soon!!! :D

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