Cosfest 2014

Cheryl and I are at Cosfest again this year as Eevee and Sylveon! Thank you Cheryl for making this Eeveelution cosplay possible! I'm really glad to see more Pokemon cosplays/ enthusiast/ fans at events - I spotted Black White, Ruby Sapphire cosplays. I also bought several Pokemon merchandise including a Ruby Sapphire remake strap and a Dogechu badge from booths at Cosfest!

Wearing a new WEGO shirt from Jrunway!

With Cheryl as Sylveon ♥

And Cheryl's friend, Toon Yi, with his ultra crazy hairdo!!

Cheryl looks sooooo cute with pink hair!


We then joined Yan ning, who is our trainer for the day!

We met Professor Sycamore on our Pokemon journey!!!

I met the ultra qt Vernesa! It has been so long haha!


Here are some photos of our Eeveelution cosplay from other photographers we met that day!
We don't actually have many photos with the both of us in it, so thank you Zwei for the amazing shot!

Photo by Zwei

Photo by Yu Xiang Photography

Photo by Wandering Light

Photo by Calvin Lin Cos Shots


I honestly have no idea how Cheryl manages to look so glam and tidy after changing out of her costume. I have prepared for the worst and brought a cap along to conceal the messy hair hahaha! Here are photos of us enjoying bubble tea at eHub after a back breaking, but really enjoyable day at Cosfest! ☺



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